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Care After Extractions

NUMBNESS: The cheek, tongue and lip may be numb from the local anesthetic for 2 to 4 hours. Please watch your child and do not allow him or her to bite or otherwise injure the tongue, lip or cheek while the area is "asleep" (numb).

COTTON GAUZE: The gauze should be held against the extraction site until the oozing has stopped. This usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes.

BLEEDING: There may be a small amount of pinkish drooling and minor oozing for about 24 hours. If you notice continued bleeding from gums, place gauze over the area and have your child bite down firmly for about 20 minutes. If excessive bleeding should occur, please call your dentist. You may want to place an old pillowcase on your child's pillow in case oozing occurs during the night.

DRINKING AND EATING: After the bleeding has stopped, it is okay to drink liquids, but not with a straw or sippy cup. On the first day, feed your child only soft foods, such as soup, apple sauce, ice cream, pudding, etc. Your child should refrain from eating hot and spicy foods, chips, peanuts, or anything that could become lodged in the extraction site. Begin the second day with soft foods. Later in the day, your child may eat any food that is comfortable to chew. It is important to maintain good nutrition and hydration.

PAIN AND DISCOMFORT: Normally there is some discomfort when the area "wakes up". This can be alleviated by administering the recommended dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen when you get home. Do not give your child aspirin.

ORAL HYGIENE: You should gently brush your child's teeth tonight at bedtime. Some redness on the toothbrush should not keep you from brushing, as the gums will heal faster around a clean tooth. Do not brush aggressively and do not brush gums in areas where teeth were extracted. Beginning tomorrow, brush and floss your child's teeth thoroughly every day with an emphasis along the gum line. Do not allow your child to swish and spit for about two days.

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS: If you have cause for concern, notice any excessive bleeding, swelling or pain, please call the office. If you feel that your child has a life threatening emergency, please call 911 or the nearest hospital emergency room.